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Escape Vapes Initiative 

Escape Vapes is a suite of three programs focused on educating youth and adults about the risk of vaping. The objectives of Escape Vapes are (1) To help youth understand devices and health risks of using electronic cigarettes/pods/vape pens; and (2) To help youth gain awareness of the strategies manufacturers and marketing agencies use to increase e-cigarette use among youth. Each program can be delivered in person or online.

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Programming Types


Escape Vapes: Empowering Adults

A vaping education course that teaches parents and adults who work with youth about electronic cigarettes

The program is designed to help adults:

  • recognize devices

  • understand the connection between vaping and nicotine addiction

  • be aware of e-juice contents and flavors

  • understand the health risk of vaping for youth

  • know the law and legal consequences of underage vaping

       1, 1-Hour Session | For Parents & Adults | Informational Card


Escape Vapes

A vaping prevention course that uses lessons and activities from the Stanford University Tobacco Prevention Toolkit, a theory-based and evidence-informed educational resource designed to be adapted to fit the individual needs of educators in various settings and across age groups to prevent the use of nicotine and tobacco products. Educators are encouraged to choose which lessons will be beneficial for their students.

The program is designed to help youth:

  • understand the contents of vaping devices

  • know the health and addiction risks of using vaping devices (electronic cigarettes, pods, pens)

  • understand the strategies manufacturers and marketing agencies use to increase vaping and smoking among youth

       1 or 3, 1-Hour Sessions | For Youth Ages 10–19 | Informational Card


Escape Vapes: Healthy Futures, an Alternative to Suspension

A vaping intervention program for first offenders to attend instead of suspension or expulsion. The 2- and 4-hour versions include more group activities and the Healthy Future Handbook that guides students to consider their individual motivations for quitting e-cigarettes/vapes.

The program is designed to help youth:

  • understand the health effects of vaping

  • recognize the impact of nicotine on the brain

  • engage in conversations to prevent further use of nicotine products

       1, 1-, 2-, or 4-Hour Sessions | For First-Time Youth Offender | Informational Card


Not On Tobacco (N-O-T)

An evidence-based program to help youth quit nicotine products (electronic cigarettes/pods/cigarettes/ flavored cigars) for good

The program is designed to help youth:

  • cut back or completely quit nicotine use (90% success rate)

  • take a holistic approach to quitting

  • be in a supportive community of other youth who want to stop vaping or smoking

       10, 50-Minute Sessions | For Youth ages 14–19 | Informational Card

Evaluation and Dissemination 

Evaluation data is collected from youth and adult participants. Research assistants in data entry, using scanning data software on hand enter surveys into a database.


We work with the Alabama Cooperative Extension communications department to help us create promotional material and publications to educate youth, parents, and adults who work with youth. 

Adolescent Development and Evaluation Lab

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